André Henriques

Publication list:

  • – ; Penneys, D.; Tener, J. Unitary anchored planar algebras,
    Communication in Mathematical Physics, 405 (2024), no. 6, Paper No. 137, 46 pp.
  • – ; Penneys, D. Representations of fusion categories and their commutants,
    Selecta Mathematica, 29 (2023), no. 3, Paper No. 38, 45 pp.
  • – ; Penneys, D.; Tener, J. Planar algebras in braided tensor categories,
    Memoirs of the AMS 282 (2023), no. 1392, vi+106 pp.
  • Bartels, A.; Douglas, C.; – Conformal nets V: Dualizability,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 391 (2022), no. 1, 1–31.
  • Bartels, A.; Douglas C.; – Fusion of defects (formerly Conformal nets III: Fusion of defects),
    Memoirs of the AMS, 258 (2019), no. 1237, vii+100 pp.
  • Loop groups and diffeomorphism groups of the circle as colimits,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 366 (2019), no. 2, 537–565.
  • What Chern-Simons theory assigns to a point,
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 114 (2017), no. 51, 13418–13423.
  • Bartels, A.; Douglas C.; – Conformal nets IV: the 3-category,
    Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 18 (2018), 897–956.
  • Conformal nets are factorization algebras,
    String-Math 2016, 229–239. Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 98. AMS, 2018.
  • Bartels, A.; Douglas C.; – Conformal nets II: Conformal blocks,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, 354 (2017), no. 1, 393–458.
  • The classification of chiral WZW models by H4+(BG,ℤ),
    Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, and related topics, 99–121, Contemporary Mathematics, 695 (2017).
  • – ; Penneys, D. Bicommutant categories from fusion categories,
    Selecta Mathematica, 23 (2017), no. 3, 1669–1708.
  • – ; Penneys, D.; Tener, J. Categorified trace for module tensor categories over braided tensor categories,
    Documenta Mathematica 21 (2016), 1089–1149.
  • Topological modular forms Douglas, C.; Francis, J.; Hill, M.; –, editors,
    with contributions by V. Angeltveit, T. Bauer, M. Behrens, C. Douglas, A. Henriques, M. Hill, H. Hohnhold, M. Hopkins, J. Lurie, M. Mahowald, C. Mautner, H. Miller, and C. Redden.
    Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 201. AMS, 2015. xxxi+318 pp.
  • Bartels, A.; Douglas C.; – Conformal nets I: Coordinate free nets,
    International Mathematics Research Notices (2015), no. 13, 4975–5052.
  • Bartels, A.; Douglas, C.; – Dualizability and index of subfactors,
    Quantum Topology, 5 (2014), no 3, 289–345.
  • Three-tier CFTs from Frobenius algebras. Topology and field theories, 1–40,
    Contemp. Math., 613, (2014).
  • Bartholdi, L.; – Orange Peels and Fresnel Integrals,
    The Mathematical Intelligencer, 34 (2012), no. 3, 1–3.
  • Douglas, C.; – Topological modular forms and conformal nets,
    Mathematical foundations of quantum field theory and perturbative string theory, 341–354,
    Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 83, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, (2011).
  • Douglas, C.; Hill, M.; – Homological obstructions to string orientations,
    International Mathematics Research Notices, (2011), no. 18, 4074–4088.
  • Etingof, P.; – ; Kamnitzer, J.; Rains, E. The cohomology ring of the real locus of the moduli space of stable curves of genus 0 with marked points,
    Annals of Mathematics, 171 (2010), no. 2, 731–777.
  • – ; Speyer, D. The Multidimensional Cube Recurrence,
    Advances in Mathematics, 223 (2010), no. 3, 1107–1136.
  • Integrating L-infinity algebras,
    Compositio Mathematica, 144, (2008), no. 4, 1017–1045
  • Felder, G.; – ; Rossi, C; Zhu, C. A Gerbe for the Elliptic Gamma Function,
    Duke Mathematical Journal, 141 (2008), no.1, 1–74.
  • Ando, M.; Hellerman S., – ; Pantev, T.; Sharpe, E. Cluster Decomposition, T-duality, and Gerby CFT’s,
    Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 11 (2007), no. 5, 751–818.
  • A periodicity theorem for the octahedron recurrence,
    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 26 (2007), no. 1, 1–26.
  • – ; Bartholdi, L.; Nekrashevych, V. Automata, Groups, Limit Spaces, and Tilings,
    Journal of Algebra, 305 (2006), no. 2, 629–663.
  • – ; Kamnitzer, J. The octahedron recurrence and gl(n)-crystals,
    Advances in Mathematics, 206 (2006), no. 1, 211–249.
  • – ; Kamnitzer, J. Crystals and coboundary categories,
    Duke Mathematical Journal, 132 (2006), no. 2, 191–216.
  • Harada, M.; – ; Holm, T. Computation of generalized equivariant cohomologies of Kac-Moody flag varieties,
    Advances in Mathematics, 197 (2005), no. 1, 198–221.
  • – ; Metzler, D. Presentations of noneffective orbifolds,
    Transactions of the AMS, 356 (2004), no. 6, 2481–2499.
  • An analogue of convexity for complements of amoebas of varieties of higher codimension, an answer to a question asked by B. Sturmfels,
    Advances in Geometry, 4 (2004), 61-73.

  • Theses written under my supervision:

    PhD theses:
  • Christoph Weis: Manifold tensor categories (2022).
  • Daniel Bruegmann: Vertex Algebras and Costello-Gwilliam Factorization Algebras (2021).
  • Shan Shah: Bicoloured torus loop groups (2017).
  • Master theses:
  • Ido Niesen: The Quantum Hall Effects, Casimir Operators and Anyonic Quasi-Particle Excitations (2014). Jointly supervised with Christiane de Morais Smith.
  • Ludo Vromen: Circle diffeomorphisms acting on fermionic and bosonic Fock spaces (2013).
  • Laura Koster: Lie superalgebras and their unitary irreducible representations (2013). Jointly supervised with Gleb Arutyunov.
  • Laurent Dufour: Superconformal field theory and loop space index theory (2013). Jointly supervised with Stefan Vandoren.
  • Robin Frankhuizen: The Recognition Principle for grouplike Cn-algebras (2013).
  • Jules Lammers: The Berezinian (2012).
  • Thomas Wasserman: Orbifold Conformal Field Theory and One-Loop Self-Energy in the SN D Orbifold Sigma Model (2012). Jointly supervised with Gleb Arutyunov.
  • Johan Konter: The homotopy groups of the spectrum Tmf (2012).
  • Jeroen Maes: An introduction to the orbit method (2011). Jointly supervised with Gleb Arutyunov.
  • Bachelor theses:
  • Guido Baardink: On the root system of E8 (2014).
  • Leonie Steijn: A short introduction to Coxeter groups (2013).
  • Luuk Hendrikx: Representations of the Lie algebras sl2ℂ and sl3ℂ and physical applications (2013). Jointly supervised with Stefan Vandoren.
  • Tjebbe Hepkema: Diagonalen omklappen (2012).
  • Rudy Veenhoff: Stone duality and types (2011).
  • Philip Klop: The Concept and Computation of Persistent Homology (2011).
  • Jasmijn Baaijens: Quotients of the 3-sphere by actions of the quaternion groups (2011).
  • Thijs van der Klauw: Gauss' hypergeometrische functie (2010).
  • Florian Kluck: De spektraalstalling voor zelfgeadjungeerde operatoren (2010).
  • Quirine Kroll: Counting perfect matchings on a bipartite planar graph (2010).
  • Hans Westrik: De Elliptische functies (2009).
  • Sander Kupers: The construction of a fibered spectrum representing twisted K-theory (2008).
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