André Henriques

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C.V. (last updated in 2019)

Publication list.    Difficult to find.    Algebraic topology conferences.    Operator algebra conferences.    Mathematical physics conferences.

Teaching and seminars.   
As an effort to raise people's attention on the issue of climate change (and the responsibility that we all share as frequent conference-goers) and illustrate the possibility of alternative conference formats, I have recently organised a couple of double conferences. A double conference is a more eco-friendly format (less air traveling!) where the event takes place is two different locations, connected by live video stream.
blue = on the ArXiv. pink = not on the ArXiv.
  • A proposal for the definition of a unitary rational chiral 2d CFT, à la Segal.
  • Video: The complex cobordism 2-category.
  • Video: Every conformal net has an associated VOA.
  • Video: various things acted on by fusion categories.
  • A video about my ongoing project with James Tener to construct Segal χCFTs.
  • A one-page chart: higher (and lower) categorical analogs of Hilbert spaces and von Neumann algebras.
  • Representations of fusion categories and their commutants, with Dave Penneys.
  • Course notes on CFT (Oxford graduate course 2020).
  • LG and Diff(S1) as colimits.
  • Bicommutant categories from conformal nets + a video about bicommutant categories.
  • On the relationship between conformal nets and factorization algebras.
  • A new type of 2-equivariance for TMF, where the group of equivariance gets replaced by a fusion category.
  • Planar algebras in braided tensor categories, with Dave Penneys and James Tener.
  • The 576 periodicity of Majorana fermions: slides.
  • The classification of chiral WZW models by H4(BG,ℤ).
  • Some examples of Stolz-Teichner cocycles.
  • A note about the definition of modular functor used by Andersen and Ueno.
  • The first examples of categorified von Neumann algebras, with Dave Penneys.
  • On a notion of categorified trace, with Dave Penneys and James Tener.
  • The value of Chern-Simons theory on a point, along with a two videos and some slides.
  • The notes of my Berkeley Chern-Simons lectures, handouts 1 2 3.
  • Course notes on CFT (Berkeley graduate course, Spring 2014).
  • A K(ℤ,4) in nature: video
  • A partial construction of extended CFTs. On the same topic: one video... and four more videos.
  • My long-term project with Arthur Bartels and Chris Douglas is now finished: 5 papers on the 3-category of conformal nets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And a talk.
  • Twelve videos on Quantum groups and 3-manifold invariants, with Chris Douglas.
  • The square root of a modular tensor category: video.
  • On various notions of tricategories, with Chris Douglas.
  • Orange peels, with Laurent Bartholdi.
  • On index of subfactors, with Arthur Bartels and Chris Douglas.
  • TMF and conformal nets, with Chris Douglas.
  • A page on the 576-periodicity of the free fremion, along with a video where I talk about this conjecture.
  • My ERC grant proposal about the conjectural relationship between conformal nets and TMF: Parts 1, 2.
  • Conformal nets and local field theory, with Arthur Bartels and Chris Douglas.
  • A draft about Z/2-graded conformal nets and string structures, with Chris Douglas.
  • A draft on a model of K-theory via non-locally trivial vector bundles.
  • On String orientations, with Chris Douglas and Michael Hill.
  • A lecture by Mike Hopkins on MString → tmf.
  • The n-dimensional cube recurrence, with David Speyer.
  • A model category for stratified spaces.
  • Sphere eversion: a picture-proof, a formal proof in Globular, and a picture of the formal proof.
    A fusion category generated by two objects, related to the Dynkin diagrams D10 and E7.
    A picture of the ring structure of tmf  at p = 2, and a survey on π*(tmf) and on the Adams spectral sequence for tmf.
    Here's a list of typos and comments for A. Wassermann's article Operator algebras and conformal field theory.
    From 2004 to 2007, I organized the first four Talbot workshops, with C. Douglas, J. Francis, and M. Hill.
    Here's a pdf of a non-final version of my book on TMF, jointly edited with Chris Douglas, John Francis and Michael Hill.
    In August 2010, I ran a workshop on Operator algebras and conformal field theory (i.e. conformal nets).

    Many years ago, I was a post-doc at Münster, in the topology group of Wolfgang Lück.

  • An action of the cactus group.
  • On the homotopy theory of orbispaces, with David Gepner.
  • CFT's associated to non-effective orbifolds, with Simeon Hellerman , Tony Pantev, Eric Sharpe, and Matthew Ando.
  • The periodicity of the bounded octahedron recurrence.
  • How to integrate L-infinity algebras. This 3 page abstract focuses more on the String group.
  • Gerbes on C/Z3, with Giovanni Felder, Carlo Rossi, and Chenchang Zhu.
  • Some notes on CW-orbispaces, and some on orbivariant K-theory.
    Here's a one page handout on stacks.

    Before, I was a grad student of Mike Hopkins at MIT.

  • My thesis (2005) is on orbispaces.
  • With Pavel Etingof, Eric Rains, and Joel Kamnitzer on the cohomology of the real locus of \bar Mo,n.
  • With Laurent Bartholdi and Volodia Nekrashevych on groups and automata .
  • With Joel Kamnitzer on a commutor for crystals, and on gl(n)-crystals.
  • With Tara Holm and Megumi Harada on T-equivariant generalised cohomology of G/P.
  • A picture of the subalgebra A(2) of the Steenrod algebra.

    I was also a grad student of Allen Knutson at Berkeley.

  • On presentations of non-effective orbifolds, joint work with David Metzler.
  • On a definition of orbifolds that uses the Borel construction.
  • On a convexity property of amoebas of algebraic varieties.
  • Even before, I was an undergraduate in Geneva.

  • My undergraduate thesis with Vaughan Jones on the Ising model.
  • On a q-analogue of the notion of arithmetic polynomial.