Current teaching:

  • Online graduate class on  Chiral Conformal Field Theory.

    Past teaching:
    Conformal field theory (Oxford 2018)
    Homological algebra
    Geometric group theory
    Homological algebra
    von Neumann algebras
    Conformal field theory (Berkeley 2014)
    Foundations of mathematics
    Group theory
    Topologie en meetkunde
    Introduction to CFT
    Wiskundige technieken 3
    Functies en reeksen

    Complexe functies
    (many of them multiple times)

    Past seminars:
    Floer theory and Khovanov homology (fall '16)
    Quantum groups and affine Lie algebras (spring '16)
    Conformal field theory (spring '14)
    Quantum Integrable Models (fall '13)
    algebraic QFT (spring '13)
    Quantum groups (fall '12)
    Vertex algebras (spring '12)
    Algebraic K-theory (fall '11)
    von Neumann algebras (spring '11)
    Topological modular forms (fall '10)
    Operads and loop spaces (spring '09)
    Stable homotopy theory (fall '08)
    Twisted K-theory (spring '08)