André Henriques
1stname⊕g⊕lastname ⊗ gmail⊕com,
C.V. (last updated in 2017)
Publication list.
Difficult to find.
Algebraic topology conferences.
Operator algebra conferences.
Teaching and seminars.
From 2004 to 2007, I organized the first four Talbot workshops,
with C.
J. Francis,
M. Hill.
Here's a pdf of a non-final version of my book on TMF, jointly edited with Chris Douglas,
John Francis
and Michael Hill.
In August 2010, I ran a workshop on
Operator algebras and conformal field theory (i.e. conformal nets).
blue = on the ArXiv.
pink = not on the ArXiv.
Sphere eversion: a picture-proof, a formal proof in Globular, and a picture of the formal proof.
A fusion category generated by two objects, related to the Dynkin diagrams D10 and E7.
A picture of the ring structure of tmf at p = 2,
and a survey on π*(tmf) and on the
Adams spectral sequence for tmf.
Here's a list of typos
and comments for A. Wassermann's article Operator algebras and conformal field theory.
Many years ago, I was a post-doc at Münster, in the topology group of Wolfgang Lück.
Some notes on CW-orbispaces,
and some on orbivariant K-theory.
Here's a one page handout on stacks.
Before, I was a grad student of Mike Hopkins at MIT.
A picture of the subalgebra A(2) of the Steenrod algebra.
I was also a grad student of Allen Knutson at Berkeley.
Here's my qual syllabus.
Even before, I was an undergraduate in Geneva.